March 28, 2023
Meeting started promptly at 7 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Larry Wittkop graciously ran our meeting today in Mary Sue’s place.
Tom Renner gave the invocation today.
We Welcome two guests today! Ron Seiler and Mathias DeJongh
3 Zoomers!
Clark Gruber
Steve Larson
Shelly Sammerman
Larry Wittkop led us in song today:
- Under the Boardwalk
- Good Old Summertime
- Roll Rotary
- The board approved the membership applications of both Mathias DeJongh and Ron Seiler.
- The board also approved a grant of $1,000 for the Robotics Team and a $500 sponsorship of the We Care Golf Outing which is organized by several Rotarians.
- This year’s District 6360 Conference is scheduled for May 5-7 at Firekeepers Casino in Battle Creek. I hope you will consider attending this event, it should be a rewarding experience.
- Our annual Scholarship Fundraiser dinner is scheduled for Sat. April 29th at Beeches Golf Club. Deb Davidson and Scott Mark are organizing this event on our behalf. Deb Davidson is sending around a sign-up sheet for the event. There is also an invitation at every seat today.
- The Club is again sponsoring a Car Show at the Senior Center, date will be May 17th.
- Suggestions for candidates for Rotarian of the Year and Citizen of the Year are still being sought by Dan Thompson.
Scott Mark is collecting items for the Scholarship Dinner Silent Auction. Merchants have been very generous. It is going to be a great silent auction!
Bob Copping-Grocery bagger wants to try out the new juicer machine. Baggers can’t be juicers.
50/50/ Drawing – Pete Swanson-Today’s Seargent at Arms!
- Mathias chose the number- Todd Heinrich won and won ½ the pot!
- Angelica Gallegos-Dickerson was our $2.00 Consolation Prize Winner
Angelica Gallegos-Dickerson- Baby Sister’s Birthday!
Jon Mellein- Celebrates a Birthday is next week!
LaRea Odland-Granddaughter Evellyn is 12 years old today!
Mark Odland’s Birthday is tomorrow! Happy Birthday!
Ross Woodhams Celebrates his 43rd Wedding Anniversary!
Pete Swanson- Youngest Granddaughter will be 14 this week!
We sang a traditional Happy Birthday Today!
Happy Bucks
Jerry Portman- Happy to be spending time with his three grandkids in Florida next week.
Pete Swanson- May need a fine, showed up at what he thought was the Rotary Blessings in a backpack but was not our week. He joined in anyway and helped!
Pete Swanson- Presenting Update on the Dog Park
Old Dog Park- 8th Ave- South Haven
- 20 years old
- Big Dog and Small Dog Fenced Area
- Membership is $35.00
- Application on Site
- Members to pick up after dog
- Hang Tag for Car
- 170 Members
- Will be closed once a new park is up and operational
New Dog Park
Proposed site is down by the Boat Launch
- City Run and Operated
- Meeting with the city to formulate the plan and cost
- Will be Fundraising for Fencing
- Smaller Site
- One open dog area
Thank you, Pete for your Presentation, today!
Remaining Announcements:
Anna Rydecki- Mom and younger sister have moved back to South Haven, getting sister situated here to have more family support.
Dana Hullinger- Car Show
Ran by our own Tom Ruesink
- May 17 or Rain Date is May 18
- Senior Center Parking Lot
- Food Truck from Bangor will be there
- Invited the Robotics Team to Demonstrate the Robot
- Fundraiser for the High School Robotics Team and Senior Center
The meeting was adjourned promptly at 7:40 a.m. with the Four Way Test. Next week’s program is sponsored by Emily Gruber with the Michigan Youth Opportunities. Please join us on Tuesday, April,4 2023 promptly at 7 a.m. at the Peace Lutheran Church. Respectfully submitted: Sandra S. Reno