March 21, 2023
Meeting started promptly at 7 a.m. with the singing of My Country Tis of Thee!
Art Ayers gave the invocation today
We Welcome Guest Ron Seiler
 5 Zoomers!
  • Dave Campbell
  • Bill Roberts
  • Bob Brickman
  • Brandon Hinz
  • Mystery Phone  Zoomer
Bob Boerma led us in song today:
  • King of the Road
  • Side by Side
  • Roll Rotary
Mark Odland shared that Peace Lutheran was holding a Free Classical Music  Concert, Tuesday March 21, 2023 at 7 p.m. featuring  Graham Shields, accompanied by his brother on guitar.
  1. We have membership applications from both Mathias DeJongh and Ron Seiler.
  2. I hope you have been reading the emails you recently received about this year’s District 6360 Conference, scheduled for May 5-7 at Firekeepers Casino in Battle Creek.  The line-up of speakers is stellar and our own Mark Odland will be inducted into the role of District Governor Elect during the conference.  I hope you will consider attending this event, it should be a rewarding experience.
  3. Tomorrow is designated by The Rotary Foundation as World Water Day which reminds me of our Club’s Global Grant that built the underground water cistern at the Ngoswani, Kenya Hospital where our member Dr. Marty Graber has devoted so much of his life’s work.  I recently received a phone call from the president of the Genoa, IL Lion’s Club which had one of their members come across the hospital while he was travelling in Kenya.  He was very moved by what he found there and encouraged their Club to support the hospital in some way. They asked me to help find out what they might do to assist the hospital since it is a joint Rotary/Lion’s Club supported facility.  Art contacted the administrator of the hospital who provided several potential projects at different levels of funding.  Art, thank you for your continued commitment to this project. 
  4. Club business cards are on the table by the door for your use as well as Club Directory updates for new members and corrections recently made by the Brinkman’s to all member listings.
  5. Suggestions for a candidate for Citizen of the Year are still being sought by Dan Thompson. This is an award that goes to a non-Rotarian who has made significant contributions to the community.
Bob Copping- Told us about a foul-mouthed parrot that got thrown in the freezer to help with the swearing and when it was taken out wanted to know what the chicken had done!
Drawing -Stuart Kominsky-Stepping in this week!
Number drew by our own Paul Hix!
Mark Odland’s number was drawn- he did not win the pot!
Mary Gruber won the $2.00 consolation prize!
Art Ayers- Son Garret turns 43!
Tom Renner-Grandson Andrew will be 32 on 3/22/23!
Brian Kurtz- Mom Celebrated her 86th Birthday Today!
Mark Odland- Grandson turns 18!
Larry Wittkop- Nate turned 21 last Saturday!
We sang a Collective Happy Birthday!
Happy Bucks
Jerry Portman-12-year-old Grandson Easton’s team won Silver in Championship Hockey!
Amy Nichols-Daughter Anna has an interview with United Airlines in May!
Larry Wittkop- How sweet it is!
Ross Woodhams-Emily and Griffin’s grandfather had a wild Birthday weekend in Memphis!
Brian Kurtz- Happy to see Barry Winkle!
Griffin Graham- Go Green!
Emily Gruber- Go White!
Marty Graber- Happy to be leaving Saturday for Spring Break in Florida!
Tom Renner- Happy for Deb Davidson’s Boiler Makers!
Jerry Portman- Happy for Spring Time!
Kayleigh Eddy- Wrester from Purdue also became a National Champion!
No documented cases of Polio in the world since November 2022
Paul Harris Fellow- Presented by our upcoming President Melinda Gruber
Foundation Funds
  • Hope
  • Food
  • Portable Water
  • Education
  • Shelter
$100.00 Minimum Donation is a Sustaining Member
$1000,00 Donation is a Paul Harris Fellow
Each Paul Harris Fellow Donor receives a Pin
  • Continued support – Multiple Paul Harris Fellow
  • Each $1000,00 donation by the same person adds a stone sapphire or ruby to that pin.
South Haven Rotary has 72 Paul Harris Fellows-23 of which are Multiple Paul Harris Donors!
Once $10,000 in donations is reached that person receives a pin with a Diamond and a Special Crystal!
We are proud to announce that our Club has one such donor!
Today we are proudly present;
Mary Sue Lyons- Pin with 1 Sapphire for her Second Donation!
Jerry Gruber- Pin with 3 Sapphires for his 4th Time Donation!
Congratulations to both and thank you for your generosity!
Rotary also has a Syria /Turkey Relief Fund- Collecting Donations through the end of March. Try this link to make a donation.
Senior PGA Tournament in St. Joseph-Mark Odland
  • Rotary has sponsored Hole #2 Since 2012
  • We have been invited back for this year
  • Event is in May
  • 3 Day Event
The meeting was adjourned promptly at 8 a.m. with the Four Way Test. Please join us next week, March 28, 2023 promptly at 7 a.m. at the Peace Lutheran Church.
Respectfully submitted: Sandra S. Reno