Back to Zoom meetings this morning. President Thompson opened the meeting with the University of Michigan’s Marching Band performing the “Star Spangled Banner”. The first of a series of performances of our national anthem by Michigan collegiate marching bands. Art Ayers offered the invocation, again with special prayers for Mike Livovich and Jim Davis, both of whom received some good news this past week.
No Meeting next week due to our fund raiser this weekend. Board meeting on August 18 after our regular meeting.
We received a very nice thank you note from one of our scholarship winners, Opal Eddy.
Bob Straits presented two Paul Harris Awards this morning, one to Dan Thompson and the other to our Rotarian of the Year and his wife, Msrk and LaRae Odland. Mark ahd one Harris award to Bob put this one in LaRae’s name.
Marty Graber, back in attendance after several months in Kenya, will be attending a special International Projects meeting on August 19th.
Our Virtual Fundraiser
We are ready to go! We need help setting up Saturday evening at 6:00 and Sunday at 9:00AM. The event runs from 1:00 to 2:30 on Sunday and more help is needed for takedown at 2:30 on Sunday.
One of the best ways to help is to encourage all of your Facebook friends to click on our Facebook events page designed by Tom Renner. He emailed a copy of the page to everyone so just post it on your Facebook page. People can donate on-line or in person.
50/50 and Fines
Marty Graber was our big money winner this morning while Bob Copping won the second place prize. Tom said winners could stop by his house and pick up whatever winnings they could find.
Fines were charged to:
Steve Miles whose daughter Jessica had a birthday this week.
Larry Wittkop’s granddaughter Emma turned 21 and had a hurricane (in Chicago, not the Carolina’s).
Bob Stickland is celebrating his birthday today!
Tom Renner is finally able to enjoy his Cubs who are currently in first place!
Dene Hadden is proud that his grandson Cole Pline was named Outstanding Senior Boy of his Watervliet High School graduating class last weekend.
Dan Thomson’s family celebrates many birthdays during this time of year, including:
August 3rd, my mother Florence, SHHS class of “38. Would have been 100 on August 3rd
August 11, Natalie Thompson ( Police Chief) August 11
Brother ( Natalie’s Dad) July 30th
Daughter Meredith July 31st
Dan August 1st
Grandson Connor August 6th
Grandson Jeremy August 18th
Grandson Naveen August 25th
Daughter in Law Hima August 24th
Bob Copping finished our session with a little weight loss lesson.
President Thompson Turned the program over to Bob Brickman, a long time Rotarian who has served a number of leadership roles for Rotary International.
Bob spoke to us about the origins of our Four Way Test. Originally started to solve a problem by a cookware company, it was designed to showcase that company’s values and give employees a simple version of the high standards they held for the business. The owner of the company gave Rotary permission to use it in about 1943. Other businesses have been given permission to use it, most notably Walgreens.
Of the things we think, say or do: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
President Thompson thanked Bob for his insight and we appreciate his long association with Rotary International and the benefits it brings to our club.
We then moved to our second presentation, by Tom Rummel, reporting to us from Ocean Grove, New Jersey.
Tom presented an overview of the new auto insurance options available to us since the passage of Michigan’s auto insurance reform. This is the first reform since the passage of the No-fault rules in 1973.
Tom prepared a slide show for his presentation which will be attached to this issue of Spokes and does an excellent job of explaining the new program. He did offer these three points:
Everyone should save some money
Consider how the changes in no-fault PIP coverage affect your situation in terms of other family members and passengers in your vehicles.
Be careful when making your choice.
Please open the attached PDF file to see Tom’s complete and informative presentation.
President Thompson closed our meeting with the Four Way Test.
NEXT WEEK: Jerry Portman has the program for August 18. There is no meeting next week.
Editarian: Dene Hadden